Uncontrolled Sugars and Heart Disease: The Deadly Connection
The International Diabetes Federation states that India had approximately 77 million diabetic individuals in 2019, and this number is expected to escalate to 101 million by 2030. Diabetes has become an alarming public health issue in India, and poorly regulated diabetes can amplify the likelihood of heart disease. Doctors in Park Endocrinology analyze the association […]
An Overview of Diabetes Provided by Park Endocrinology.
Doctors at Park Endocrinology provided an outline of diabetes. If you are interested in gaining knowledge about diabetes, then you should consider theparkendo.com/blog as an excellent source of information. If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, have been battling type 1 or type 2 diabetes for some time, or are supporting someone who has, […]
Gestational Diabetes Refers to Diabetes that Develops During Pregnancy.
During the mid-20th century, it was common for women with type 1 diabetes to be discouraged from having children. Thankfully, advancements in medicine have transformed this outlook. While some adaptations may be necessary during pregnancy, it is now possible for women with type 1 diabetes to have safe pregnancies and deliver healthy babies without significant […]